Kitepower & Dromec: Building the New Generation of Wind Energy Systems

Kiterpower published a great testimonial about our tailor-made winches, winch systems, controls and power transmission. You can read the full article here:
Dromec specializes in tailor-made winches, winch systems, renewables, controls, reel machines and power transmission. Dromec’s approach assures the highest reliability in power transmission applications and boasts dynamic and innovative manufacturing techniques when it comes to winch systems. Such features had made Dromec a key development partner of Kitepower since day one, when back in 2015, at the time of REACH, the Dutch company has joined the mission to develop Kitepower’s first commercial Airborne Wind Energy System (AWES).
The role of Dromec is to manufacture the ground station (GS) of the Kitepower AWES, an exclusive development path that so far has brought to life two versions of Kitepower’s combined smart generator and winch system. Within a Kitepower system, the ground station is the component that converts the mechanical energy of the kite into electrical power and is also used to reel the kite in and out by using the generator as a motor.
Kitepower is proud to be cooperating with Dromec in the construction of an energy system capable to play a significant role in the EU’s energy mix and majorly contribute to the global energy transition to renewables.
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